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更新:2016/12/9 14:25:44      点击:
  • 产品品牌   SenSource
  • 产品型号   PC-VID3-2.5NA
  • 产品描述   3D人流量计数器是用于交通计数和报告所述线路建筑的顶部。这是一个方向感应器,这意味着它监视并分别计算入口和出口的流量。作为ClearCount系列产品的一部分,ClearCount 3D保证95%或更...

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The 3D people counter is the top of the line solution for traffic counting and reporting. It's a directional sensor, meaning it monitors and counts entrance and exit traffic separately. As part of the ClearCount series of products, the ClearCount 3D guarantees 95% or greater accuracy. 

ClearCount 3D People Counter

SenSource’s ClearCount 3D people counter is the most accurate solution for pedestrian traffic counting with 95%+ accurate traffic counts guaranteed. Using dual lenses, the sensor creates a 3D view of the detection area enabling depth perception to precisely calculate people walking in any direction. This 3D depth perception feature also makes the ClearCount 3D people counter optimal for managing queue lines and dwell times such as those at a service counter or amusement park ride. In addition, this highly accurate technology is ideal for high traffic areas in any environment as it monitors multiple people entering and exiting at the same time and accurately distinguishes between children, adults and other objects such as shopping carts. Using 3D video technology, a video feed from the sensor is accessed to validate accuracy and ensure proper placement during installation. 

The ClearCount 3D people counter is mounted overhead and requires POE (Power over Ethernet) cable connection to power the sensor and connect it to your network for reporting. Dynamic data analysis and reporting is performed using Vea software. 


  • ClearCount 3D Video System, PC-VID3-2.5N

  • Power over Ethernet Injector, PC-VID2-POEl

  • Vea Software for reporting and monitoring

